S.NET 2011 Submissions

The program committee (see call for posters) invites poster proposals from the full breadth of disciplines, methodologies, and epistemologies, as well as from applied, participatory, and practical approaches to studying these emerging fields and from different regional or comparative perspectives. The poster track will provide an opportunity for presenting late-breaking results, ongoing research projects, and speculative or innovative work in progress. Posters are intended to provide authors and participants with the ability to connect with each other and to engage in discussions about the work.
Submissions Deadline.  All proposals should be submitted by Monday, August 1st via email to Barbara Herr Harthorn at harthorn@cns.ucsb.edu and Dave Guston at david.guston@asu.edu

***NOTE: EasyChair submissions are CLOSED at this time***

S.NET welcomes proposals for individual papers, posters, traditional panels, roundtable discussions, and other more innovative formats.  In particular, the program committee encourages proposals for topics and formats that will encourage greater dialogue and interaction.  The submission period for S.NET 2011 proposals will be from 1 February through 21 March, 2011.  Proposals should be submitted via EasyChair conference system, using the instructions and link at the bottom of this page.

As a general rule, proposals should be brief abstracts of no more than 150 words, single-spaced, in 12 pt font. Each abstract should begin with a TITLE, followed by the first and LAST names, institutional affiliation, and email addresses of all persons associated with the proposal. Following the abstract, please include full contact information (mailing address, phone, fax, and email) for the corresponding author. 

Panel proposals or other proposals involving more than one substantive presentation should have a 200 word maximum overview of the entire proposal and individual abstracts for each presentation that conform to the above specifications and indicate the preferred order.  Please indicate whether each participant is confirmed or proposed.

For non-traditional formats – which are highly encouraged by the program chairs and the program committee – please provide, in addition to the overview of the proposed activity, a 1-paragraph explanation of how the proposed format encourages greater dialogue, interaction, etc.  Examples of non-traditional formats include: “reverse panels” in which discussants present remarks about papers prior to the authors’ response; participatory and/or hands-on activities like demonstrations, table-top exhibits, or working sessions; field activities that might take advantage of local and regional resources; etc.

See the table below for further information on what to submit. Abstracts should be submitted in plain text format.

Type of proposal What to submit
Paper 150 word abstract, complete contact information for corresponding author, names, institutions, and email addresses of any co-authors
Poster 150 word abstract, complete contact information for corresponding author, names, institutions, and email addresses of any co-authors
Panel 200 word overview, 150 word abstracts for each paper, complete contact information for panel organizer, chair and/or discussant, and for corresponding author on each paper, names, institutions, and email addresses of any co-authors
Roundtable 200 word overview, 150 word abstracts for any substantive presentations, complete contact information for roundtable organizer and/or chair, and names, institutions and emails of discussants
Non-traditional 200 word overview plus a paragraph and any additional material to help the program committee understand the format, plus names, institutional affiliations, and email addresses for organizer and other substantive contributors, other known participants, and complete contact information for organizer


EasyChair FAQ

User accounts

Q  I have an EasyChair account but cannot access my data for a conference (or cannot access my paper submitted to a conference).

A  What happens is the following. You account is associated with one or more email addresses. When another person (e.g., a programme chair or your co-author) enters your data in EasyChair she or he may specify as your email address an address A not associated with your account. If this happens, EasyChair does not understand that A is also one of your email addresses and creates a new user for that address. Please read the article on email addresses for more details.

To solve the problem you can do any of the following:

  1. Add A as your alternative email address (recommended);
  2. Ask the chair or the co-author to update your email address.

The second solution is not recommended since the same problem may happen again.

A similar problem happens when you have several accounts. In this case if you log in using one of the accounts, you will not see data from another account. You can merge the two accounts into a single one, for details see the article on account management.


Q  How can I submit a paper?

A  To submit a new paper you should click on the menu tab "New Submission".

  1. If you click on "New Submission" and nothing happens you have a browser-related problem.
  2. If the only menu tab you see is "Help" then you also have a browser-related problem.
  3. Otherwise, if there is no menu tab "New Submission" then the submission of new papers has been disabled by chairs. It may be the case that the deadline is over, please contact the chairs. Note that we cannot enter a paper in the system for you, only the chairs of your conference can do so.

If you are logged in as an author and do not see the menu tab "New Submission", it means that the submission of new papers for this conference has been disabled by chairs of the conference. If you believe it should not be so, please contact the chairs.

Please never ask us to submit a paper for you: we never interfere in conference management and never change data for a conference. Chairs are the only people who can help you with paper submission.

I cannot change the title of my submission.

A  When new submissions are allowed, the authors can change titles of their papers.

When the submission of new pages is no more allowed, the authors cannot change submission titles. In the past, chairs complained about authors who submitted a paper and then replaced it by a completely different one, so we had to introduce this restriction.

If you really need to change the title while EasyChair does not let you do it, you should contact the chairs, they can do it for you.

Q  Has my paper been accepted?

A  Ask chairs of your conference.

Programme committee members

Q  I received an email that I am on the programme committee of a conference but when I log in to this conference the system only recognises me as an author.

A  When programme chairs add you to the programme committee, they specify your email address. Since the system cannot recognise you as a PC member, the email address entered by the chairs does not belong to your account. Check the email address used by EasyChair to inform you that you were added to the programme committee and add this email address to your account as your alternative address. For more details read the article on email addresses. After you add this email address as your alternative address EasyChair will also recognise you as a PC member. You can switch between the roles of a PC member and an author by changing role.

Conflict of interest

Q  How can a PC member remove a conflict he declared by mistake?

A  An ordinary PC member cannot do this since otherwise he would easily get access to information on any paper. However, a chair can remove a conflict for any PC member on her committee by following links Administration->Conflics->View or remove.

Repeated login prompts

Q  I click on links but EasyChair repeatedly brings me to the login page.

A  First of all, you should enable cookies on your browser. EasyChair identifies users using cookies.

EasyChair will automatically terminate your session after two hours of inactivity, so it is normal that you are asked to log in again if you did not work with it for more than two hours.

Another possible reason for this problem is the use of two different browsers or two different computers to access your EasyChair account. For security reasons, EasyChair does not allow for a simultaneous access of the same account from more than one browser or computer.

If, however, you are using the same browser and computer and your connection was not idle for more than two hours then the problem you described is not related to EasyChair. Please consider informing your system administrators or Internet provider.

To find information you are looking for you can try to do any of the following.

  1. Check if your question is described in the article "Frequenly Asked Questions". You can access this article by clicking on "FAQ".
  2. Type a keyword in the "Search" field and press "Find".
  3. Check the list of all Help articles by clicking on "Show All Articles".

If nothing of the above works you can try to click on "Ask Question". Please note that EasyChair does not guarantee answering all questions.  If you do not receive a response from EasyChair, please contact the S.NET 2011 conference chair directly.