Catherine Enders Selected as CNS ASU POSTS Scholar
Congratulations are in order for undergraduate researcher Catherine Enders who was accepted to participate in CNS ASU's Policy, Science, Technology & Society Scholars (POSTS) program.
Open to sophomore and junior undergraduate women, minorities, and persons with disabilities, this NSF-funded program is offered to select students across 11 universities, including UCSB. During the year-and-a-half-long program, they learn about the many academic and professional career possibilities in science & technology studies (STS) and science policy—the realm where science and society intersect—and get support to help set and achieve educational and career goals. STS and science policy careers and fields include, for example, science historian, environmental justice researcher, science policy analyst, research ethicist, economist, science museum curator, government program officer, philosopher, science diplomat, science communications, science law, among many others.
A Psychology major, Enders has been working with IRG 3 on the fracking deliberation project during the current academic year. Her own research for the POSTS program will examine the cognitive dimensions of environmental consciousness. CNS Director Barbara Herr Harthorn will serve as her mentor.