Christine Shearer

CNS Person
Ph.D., Sociology
CNS Affiliation
Postdoctoral Scholar (Former)
Social Science Graduate Fellow (Former)
Research Group: 

Dr. Shearer was a CNS-UCSB Graduate Fellow in 2009-2010, and is a Postdoctoral Scholar with Barbara Herr Harthorn's Interdisciplinary Research Group 3 examining public perceptions of risk and management concerning nanotechnologies. Her research interests include science & technology studies and environmental sociology. Prior to becoming a CNS Graduate Fellow and now a Postdoctoral Researcher at CNS, Dr. Shearer worked at the UCSB National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis and as an associate reporter for the Center for Investigative Reporting. Her work has appeared in Race Gender & Class, Ecological Applications, and Conservation Letters, and she is author of Kivalina: A Climate Change Story(Haymarket Books, 2011). She holds a PhD in Sociology.