Traveling Technologies Research Template

Welcome to the Template for the CNS-UCSB Traveling Technologies undergraduate research project. 

This Template package includes the following: (Click on the links to download the materials)

The article Traveling Technologies: Societal Implications of Nanotechnology through the Global Value Chain (Dillemuth, Frederick, Parker, Gereffi, Appelbaum; Journal of Nano Education, forthcoming) presents the Traveling Technologies project, a research program we developed for an 8-week summer internship program.  We provide this Template for faculty, postdoc, or graduate student mentors to adopt and adapt for research with undergraduates.  If you are unable to access the journal article, please contact Stacey Frederick (stacey (at)

An additional resource, which contains much of the information in the Template Guide, is available here.

If you have multiple interns working together, an online collaborative workspace can be helpful.  Free examples that we have used in the past include setting up a wiki page, using Google Sites or Google Documents, or using a tool like Dropbox to share files.  In our experience none of these is perfect – each has its advantages and drawbacks, and it is important to keep backup copies of your work.

To present the results in a website, visit for an example of a straightforward way to organize info and pages.  See the links provided in the Template Guide for more sophisticated websites that present global value chains.


The Traveling Technologies project was inspired by a term project in a course by Gary Gereffi at Duke University.  The expertise of Dr. Gereffi and especially Dr. Stacey Frederick were instrumental to the development of this project and these materials and guides. The Research Template Guide, ppt diagram template, and nanosilver example were authored by Stacey Frederick.  The Template package was compiled and edited by Dr. Julie Dillemuth.  The CNS internship program is funded by NSF awards SES 05-31184 and SES 09-38099.