Edwina Barvosa

Edwina Barvosa

Associate Professor, Feminist Studies
UC Santa Barbara

Edwina Barvosa is an associate professor in the department of feminist studies at UC Santa Barbara. She is a political scientist and applied social theorist by training (Harvard PhD 1998; Cambridge MA/BA 1993). Her theoretical research explores the multiple identities that typically come to exist within each person and the implications of that inner multiplicity for political and social life. Her applied theory research currently focuses on practices of deliberative democracy, including the democratization of science governance. She is also studying the impact of identity-mediated implicit bias in major social systems, especially in modes of suppressive policing that disproportionately impact Black and Latino men and boys. She is the author of Wealth of Selves: Multiple Identities, Mestiza Consciousness and the Subject of Politics (2008) and has published in an array of journals including Journal of Political Philosophy, Politics Groups and Identities, Aztlan: A Journal of Chicana and Chicano Studies, Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, and Georgetown Journal of International Affairs. Her current manuscript in progress is entitled: “Constructing Deliberative Democracy: Constructivism, Deliberative Systems, and the Diverse Democratic Self.”